Sunday, November 7, 2010

Where did Columbus land???

Columbus set sail in 1492 with three ships, the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria. The voyage was funded by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. The purpose of the voyage was to find a cross Atlantic trade route from Europe to the Indies where the spice trade had become very popular.

Contrary to popular belief many educated Europeans at this point in time actually believed that the Earth was round. However no one knew how big it was and up to this point no one was willing to make the journey to find out.

Columbus believed that the Earth was round and that he could find a trade route across the Atlantic that would link Spain and the Indies. On October 12, 1492 the crew of the Pinta spotted land. While Columbus believed he had discovered the Indies he had actually discovered a continent that Europeans had not previously known about. Using the map below find where you believed Columbus landed and write the name of the place in the comments section.

View Where did Christopher Columbus Land? in a larger map

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